B Corp Best For The World
We've been named Best For The World!
As part of our goal to be as environmentally friendly as possible as a business, protect our planet and produce sustainable products, sustainably, we are B Corp Certified. This certification means we meet high standards of social and environmental performance, transparency and accountability and are evaluated every year.
This year, we reached the extraordinary achievement of being named one of B Corp's 'Best For The World' - which puts us in the top 5% of B Corp certified companies in the world when it comes to our care and consideration for the environment as a business.
We have truly worked hard, ever since humble beginnings, to make The Beeswax Wrap Co. a good place to work, shop and support by what we do for the planet, to reduce our waste, to support our team and take care of our customers. Thank you for supporting us so that we could achieve this fantastic recognition.