ClimatePartner ID 15019-2103-1001
Currently, 95% of our products are earth-friendly. We offset 249.4t of carbon emissions via the Hydropower project in Virunga, DR Congo. And we’re still working to improve. We aim to adopt a zero-waste concept that considers the complete lifecycle impact of a product, from raw materials to end-of-life disposal.
Calculation of our greenhouse gas emissions
Together with ClimatePartner [Link:], we have measured the carbon emissions that occur during the manufacture of our MAILING BAGS through raw materials, packaging, logistics, and disposal: this is known as the Product Carbon Footprint.
Avoidance and reduction
Where possible, we avoid and reduce our CO2 emissions. Solar panel to power up general lighting, choose to use 100% post consumed plastic as raw material, minimize printing area etc
Carbon offset through a certified project
We offset all unavoidable CO2 emissions from the carbon neutral mailing bags by supporting a climate action project. As a result of this, the carbon neutral mailing bags are certified climate neutral. Climate action projects save CO2 emissions - for example, through reforestation or the replacement of harmful technologies with climate-friendly alternatives. More information about our climate protection project can be found at
The label "climate neutral"
We mark our carbon neutral mailing bags with the independent label "climate neutral", and consequently enable our customers to understand how the product has become climate neutral, and learn more about the climate action project. This label therefore provides our customers with full transparency regarding the climate neutrality of our products.