100% FSC-certified

Gemar SRL Hall: Halls 2, 3+3a Stand: 3G10-H11

What does FSC certification actually mean?

You may well have heard about'Gemar's new line of 100% FSC'-certified balloons, it's certainly something we are very proud of! The question is, what does FSC certification really mean and what difference does it make to the wider world?

Firstly, it's important to note that all Gemar balloons are produced using natural rubber latex and organic dyes, using a carbon neutral process. No matter which of our balloons you choose they are all biodegradable and we always work to benefit the local communities we are involved with. You can choose balloons from any of our ranges and ''go green with Gemar.''

But we didn't want to stop there! We are always striving for better, looking for innovative ways to lead the industry into a brighter future. Which is why we developed the'FSC'-certified range.

What is FSC?

FSC stands for ''Forest Stewardship Council'', an organisation whose mission is to promote environmentally appropriate, socially beneficial and economically viable management of the world's forests. Set up in 1994 the FSC has been working tirelessly ever since, aiming to preserve forests for everyone. In fact there are 10 principles and 70 criteria which apply to all'FSC'-certified forests, wherever they are in the world.

An FSC'-certified is one where indigenous people's rights are respected, high conservation values are upheld, working conditions are good, eco systems are maintained and the forest still remains economically viable. It's a lot to ask but the FSC manage to make these high ideals a reality through constant monitoring and assessment.

So, where do balloons come in?

You often see the'FSC logo'on paper and card products, everything from books to packaging, and it means that the paper or card was made from trees grown in an FSC'-certified forest. You'll notice that the card inserts on all Gemar products have this label.

But paper isn't the only thing that can be made from trees. The natural latex that we use to make balloons begins it's life as a milky sap which is harvested from the'Hevea Brasiliensis'tree in the same way that syrup is harvested from a Maple tree. This is a natural and renewable material which the tree continues to produce for many years, provided that the forest is well managed of course.

It has always been important to us to use appropriately managed forests and work with local communities, developing the FSC'-certified range is simply taking that one step further.

100% FSC'-certified

When a product is labelled 100% FSC'-certified it means that everything used to make it comes from an FSC'-certified forest. These forests have been audited by a third party to make sure they are managed according to'the Forest Stewardship Council's rigorous social and environmental standards.'This really is the ''gold standard'' in responsible forestry and is the highest mark of distinction the FSC can give to certified products.

The FSC range of Gemar balloons is 100% FSC'-certified. This means all the materials used in manufacturing both the balloons and the packaging come from those sustainably managed forests. When you choose an FSC'-certified balloon you are contributing directly to supporting the aim of the Forest Stewardship Council (picture below) 'FSC'' C155424.

When you choose an FSC'-certified balloon you are contributing directly to supporting the aim of the'Forest Stewardship Council.

We can all agree that is a goal worth striving for!



Products Of Change article :'https://www.productsofchange.com/news-article/gemar-announces-fsc-certified-balloons/



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