The Bouquet in a Book (Shortlisted for Gift of the Year)
Shortlisted for The Gift of the Year 2025 - Create a stunning, everlasting floral arrangement with The Bouquet in a Book. Our innovative press-out and make book of ready-to-use press-out paper pieces and step-by-step instructions helps you craft an exquisite paper bouquet that will never wilt.
Inside this book, you’ll find:
• Diverse Floral Designs: From classic roses and blooming peonies to bright anemones and cheerful daisies, press-out the petals to create a charming bouquet.
• Easy-to-Follow Instructions: Each project comes with simple to follow, photographic instructions that guide you through the steps of making the flowers and stems, making it perfect gift for both beginners and experienced crafters.
• High-Quality Press-out Paper Pieces: Professionally designed and ready to press out, the paper pieces ensure that your flowers will look realistic and beautiful.
RRP £19.99 | 128 pages | 273 x 210 mm | Publishing April 2025
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- Design-Led Gifts