If You Care Unbleached Waxed Paper

  • If You Care Unbleached Waxed Paper
If You Care Unbleached Waxed Paper If You Care Unbleached Waxed Paper

Wax. We've chosen, natures toughest, hardest wax from the Carnauba Palm Tree, harvesting palm fronds from a tree that can live up to 200 years. This versatile, tough tree grows in marginal soils and in an extreme climate. The amazing wax protects the tree from these conditions. The long life of the tree and careful harvesting provides a stable ecosystem and income for the many people, plants, animals and insects that make the region their home.

Chlorine. We use, unbleached, totally chlorine free (TCF) paper, eliminating the risk of chlorine residues in our paper or entering the water cycle where it can have harmful long-term effects on the ecosystem.

Paper. Illegal logging accounts for millions of acres of forest loss and untold damage to the wider environment and social cohesion. We use Forest Stewardship Certified (FSC) certified paper that promotes the most rigorous environmental and social standards of stewardship.

Life Cycle (Composting?) . Globally, millions of tons of valuable biobased materials go to landfill, were they are rendered useless and worse, produce greenhouse gasses that accelerate climate change.

Our packaging and paper are certified compostable. Composting returns material to our ecosystem. The micro fauna get a good meal and produce fantastic, soil enriching, life giving compost that locks up carbon, contributing to soil health, ready for the next generations of life. It all adds up to our circle of life moment. Lovely thought.


  • £0 - £19
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