Inspired by Kindness: Reminding people you are there.
Kindness can mean a lot of different things, and one of the things we have enjoyed learning over this period is about the different types kindnesses in our community, and what it means to you.
We have all become far more conscious of the welfare of others, and in particular the importance of ensuring that people who have been isolating on their own, do not feel alone and out of touch with their families. One of the easiest ways to do this is to send a card, whilst texts and zoom are great ways to stay in touch, there is something special about receiving a physical card through the post. It’s that personal touch that, well, touches other people when they receive one. That said, it’s been a little difficult for people to get hold of, and send, cards during lockdown.
The Greetings Card Association has stepped in to help members get their cards out to as many people who want them during lock down. The first step was simply to put together a Gallery of GCA members cards with links to their website. You can have a look by clicking here.
They have seen a huge uptake in this simple idea. Not only have they helped drive consumers to their members sites, but the links have also helped many of their members with SEO, and drive their members site up the google rankings.
Whilst this may seem like a small change, it has really provided a lifeline to many small businesses who would not have been able to gather the reach so quickly.
The GCA members have also been busy creating this wonderful video on why its so important to reach out to people at this time.